Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Black Magic

Welcome Bloggers !
Meet me on page 11 of 366 of 2012 :)
Seperti yang sudah saya sampaikan di previous post, akan ada perubahan fashion style di tahun 2012.
Although its too early if we start something, but its better . 
Mulai iseng-iseng bergaya turban dan boyish di rumah.

Dan hasil iseng-iseng dirumah pun, saya berhasil menciptakan sebuah guratan indah yang diaplikasikan di pinggir kelopak mata saya, Eyeliner! 

Woops! Trust me, itu belum sepenuhnya selesai. And I just start this session.
Wait me for the next style on my newest post girls.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Turban and The Boyish

Minggu ini adalah penghujung akhir tahun 2011 dan beberapa hari lagi akan memasuki new year 2012.
Dan kegiatan tahunan yang saya buat menjelang new year yaitu "Making The Resolution"
Ini adalah tradisi yang sudah mendarah daging khusus buat saya pribadi.
Selain buat resolusi, saya juga berencana akan mengubah fashion style saya.
Sampai sekarang ini, masih berburu style yang sekiranya cocok dan fresh dipake saya.
Berbagai blog teman-teman dari luar negeri pun saya kunjungi. Dan walhasil, i found it !
I think, the turban maybe will be my next project on 2012.
The turban and the boyish !
Yeah, i called for it  ...
The must item for that style is this :
1. Big Classic Sunglasses

2. Turban Pashmina

3. Boots Wedges With The Fantastic Colour

Yeah ~ how's cool they are !
Dan item-item itulah yang akan jadi Core Fashion saya for the next year (hopely, it will be coming true!)
Finally, this is my style on 2012 ...
Check this out, maybe they will become your reference too ;)
Enjooy girls  ...

I hope the posting for today can be usefull for you girls.
And wait me for my new style on new year of 2012.
Just be patient ;)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Black Chic

As a moslem, kita dituntut untuk menutup aurat.
Tapi, meskipun begitu, kita tetap bisa tampil chic dengan outfit muslim.
Outfit formal pun juga bisa tampil chic and moslem, just like another.
Jangan pernah takut tampil beda yah. Just be Different!

Leopard Triangle Veil. Tiny Belt. Black Midi Skirt by Accent. Gold Bangle by Private. Channel Bag.
Grey Striped Shirt by Elle. Black Midi Skirt by Accent. Tiny Belt. Gold Bangle. Brown Wedges by Private.  

Friday, December 16, 2011

Save the Earth

Go Green and Save the Earth !
Terinspirasi dari dua kalimat tersebut, finally timbul idea buat photoshoot.
Awalnya iseng photoshoot. Tapi ternyata, its really fun.
Dan kebetulan, outfit yang dipake full green.
Just check this out.

And I Called it 'Stairway to Heaven'

Outfit : Plain Tosca Shawl by Toptotoe Syalala. Tosca Loose Top by Studioworks. Denim Jeans Wedges. Tiny Belt. Black Plain Cardigan.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Touring

Today is Touring Time!
Bingung mau pake outfit apa. Setelah bongkar lemari dan lil bit stress.
Finally, outfit yang dipake bener-bener ga matching.
Tapi yaah ... Confidence is The Elemental Key !

Blue Electric Plain Shawl by Toptotoe Syalala. Cardigan Batwing. White Loose Top by St. Yves. Jeans by Logo.
Right to Left. Ainul. Bunds. Nanda. Me. Icha. Ayu. Salmon.

Feeding the Cow.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Pearl : Masterplan of Life: Bright Color for Bright Day

The Pearl : Masterplan of Life: Bright Color for Bright Day:  Plain Longdress by Nabilla. Plain Cardigan. Pashmina by Hama Beads. Tiny Belt. Wedges by Fladeo. Location : Faculty of Public Health...

Bright Color for Bright Day

 Plain Longdress by Nabilla. Plain Cardigan. Pashmina by Hama Beads. Tiny Belt. Wedges by Fladeo.

Location : Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia.